Remember when you were a kid and your parents took you to Kings Island or some other magical wonderland of a place? Well maybe you weren't a kid, but you were somewhere between being a kid and an adult, and you were going with all your friends. And the girls were going to sleep over at your house, and you had to run all these errands the night before, and then when you got it all done and you were ready you were so anxious (like excited anxiety, the good kind). And then you went to bed and you couldn't sleep.
That's how I feel right now. Except I'm an adult, about to embark on the greatest experience(s) of my life. And I am beyond excited.
I just finished packing my apartment, boxes full of the last 5 years in New York. I did it all without crying (which for me is no small feat). I'm exhausted, sleeping on my mattress with no bedding, me and Rocky, waiting for the reality of this to hit me. Probably it will happen tomorrow when the movers say we're all set, and drive away with all my worldly possessions. And still maybe then I won't realize.
I'm so excited for this next chapter of my life. There are so many great adventures coming my way. I'm going to do it up for my last 3 weeks in New York. Holy Shit. 3 weeks. And then I'm going to say goodbye to some of the best people I have ever known, and I will cry. Probably a lot. No, definitely a lot. Tears of happiness for what New York has meant to me. Tears of sadness for leaving this great city and all of my people who I love so dearly. But there is plenty of time for that.
Dear 83 7th Avenue,
You are the best apartment EVER. I shall miss you and your inhabitants and all Park Slope has to offer. I will not, however, miss crazy neighbors or men masturbating on the front stoop. That would be kind of weird.
I love you apartment 3.