Dear trips to and from the office today,
Both of you were eye opening educational experiences. On the train this morning I saw a woman pick her nose and then wipe/fling a huge booger into her bag. This made me think, eww, that is a lot of boogers in your purse (yes I could see more than one). Note to self: don't pick your nose and collect boogs on personal property. It's gross.
On the walk from the cab to my apartment, I saw a woman in a business suit toke a one-hitter. This made me think, ahh, you look instantly relaxed and kind of super-stoned. Note to self here: smoking pot in public places makes life more bearable.
Never do one, always do the other,
A commuter considering a change
(another note to readers - I do not really think drugs will make my life better - no need to worry about an intervention at this point)