Friday, May 28, 2010

My little brother’s all growed up

I went to visit Michael and his classroom in Lafayette today. I felt like a celebrity. All the kids bombarding me and asking, are you Mr. Kraft’s sister? Hey, are you Kelly? Are you Sarah (no Sarah in the Kraft fam btw). And then shaking my hand and getting down on one knee and telling me how lovely it is to meet me. They are adorable!

Now, imagine if your day was full of little voices constantly yelling your name and asking an overabundance of questions.

Mr. Kraft, is that your sister?
Mr. Kraft, can I go to the bathroom?
Mr. Kraft, can I get a drink of water?
Mr. Kraft, what kind of award am I getting?
Mr Kraft, he’s teasing me.
Mr Kraft, is that your sister?
Mr Kraft, can I go to the bathroom now?

Continue to imagine these voices asking all these questions at the same time, over and over again all day. And try to imagine yourself with the patience to handle this day in and day out. I could not do it. I give mad props to my brother. Though he doesn’t always have the patience, he sure has a great amount of sarcasm that helps him through the day.

Word up to all you teachers. I admire you! Especially you Mr. Kraft.


  1. I want to cry. Remember when we found him asleep on his bunk with his hands behind his head and one leg propped up on the other. He fell asleep just chillin like a big he is a man...a talented one at that! I love you both.

  2. hahahahahhahahahahahahaha.....i am laughing hysterically right now!!!!!! i totally forgot about that, but will have to share that with him tomorrow! sooooo funny! love you nat-a-tat!
