Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's my aeroplane

Sometimes I'm baffled at how inconsiderate people are. I mean there are moments when I want to ask people if they can hear the words coming out of their mouths. Do they think that sounds ok? Today on the plane from Charlotte to Miami, I sat in front of a family of 3. The 3-year-old began kicking my seat with all her might before the plane was boarded. Ugh. It's going to be a long ride. Just as I was going to turn and politely ask her to stop, while being playful of course because she is 3, this happened, and I decided against it.

The flight attendant, mid-fiftiesh red-headed woman, tried to close the overhead bin. It wouldn't shut because it appeared the man's (behind me) suitcase was too big. So she said, "Sir, the overhead bin won't close because your bag is too big. Can I ask you to bring it to the front and we'll check it at no charge?"

He stood up, huffing and puffing, and started slamming the bag around, yanking it out, jamming it back in, turning it, etc. The he slammed the compartment closed. Only it wasn't closed. The side of it was still open because the bag was still too big. So when she pointed that out, he reopened it, made a lot of noise, and then forced it shut again. It was still open, so he started banging it shut until it finally locked on both sides (bulging in the middle).

The flight attendant seemed happy with this compromise, and continued on her pre-flight duties. As she began to walk away, he shouted, "let me know if you'd like me to do any of the rest of your job for you today."

Really? You're an asshole.

As Stephanie Tanner would say, "HOW RUDE!"

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