Thursday, February 17, 2011

Torres del Paine

Sometimes you get reality checks. Sometimes you have experiences that are hard to put into words. With that being said, I've decided to blog this experience in 105 words below...

Long Underwear. Solitude. Nature. Backpack. Rain. Sunshine. Mountains. Lakes. Oatmeal with blackberry jam. Exhaustion. Water. Trekking poles. Carbohydrates. Trashbag waterproofing. Respect. Dried fruit and nuts. Challenge. Beauty. Snow. Climbing. Mounds of toilet paper. Flooded camp sites. Inspiration. Trees. Silence. Layers. Coffee. Shoulders. River crossings. Conversations. Discovery. Discipline. Campground worker infatuation. Scenery. Snot rockets. Leg warmers. Meditation. Headlamp. Fluffy clouds. Moon. Landscapes. Reflection. Giggles. Amazement. Victory. Unpredictability. Showerless. Mud. Glaciers. Towers. Climbing. Fresh water. Picking berries. Knowledge. Acquaintances. Conservation. Trails. Happiness. Outdoors. Rain fly. Chills. Letting go. Sleeping bag. Outdoor toilets. Pack in-pack out. Simplicity. Blue Skies. Starlight. Humbled. Adventure. Perfection. Four days, same outfit.

trying to sort out all my gear
on the bus ready to go listening to pump up jams in my new thermal wear
first views on the hike
after we got busted trying to hike up to the "forbidden" campsite in the pissing rain
my poor tent on day 2 - notice the slick soakedness of my backpack
caked in mud
climbing up to the towers
almost there - don't I look professional in all my gear with my new trekking poles?
ah-mazing. doesn't even look real
valley hike views

dinner time - Kary and Isaac
sunshine and blue skies

a yellow me in my tent - so so so exhausted and right before i ate spaghetti that tasted like throw up
relaxing and maxing on the last afternoon
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if i had a job right now, i wouldn't want it to be cleaning this
Our Team
final views

In other news. I tried out my bang-cutting skills that Bianca tried to teach me in NYC in the fall. I spent my last Chilean pesos on a pair of hair cutting scissors. I was going for the long side bang look. Needless to say I failed miserably, and am now sporting super-chunky, uneven, short bangs. You can't win 'em all.


  1. The bangs take me back to you as a child when your mother had them cut like that ON PURPOSE!!

    The scenery from your hike is beyond words.......!!!

    I an finally getting internet and I bought a web cam. Should be up and running tonight (2/20) or tomorrow. Let me know when we can google chat or skype. I love you

  2. Aaaaaaaah! I haven't had time to read blogs lately! And then I come here to catch up and BANG! This makes me so happy. You are totally doing it! And it looks so amazing and so fun. Same outfit four days!!!! Professional Traveler!

  3. hola kelly! love the bangs :) You go girl!
