Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sometimes I get busy and forget to blog.

Or I blog, but forget to tell you something really important. And well, then I try to think of creative ways to remedy this. So this time, here´s a visual summation of some stuff in no particular order from the past few weeks...

no - this does not signify that i´ve spent time kissing French men on the streets of Paris in the 50´s. But I did go see the Robert Doisneau photo exhibit at the Recoleta Cultural Center.
i went to the tower of books. but didnt´climb up.
i went to the bici-friendly weekend events where this little demonstration proved to me that bikes take up less space than cars. more space for trees!
i ate asado for nelle´s birthday. if someone asked me to define the terms ¨meat sweats¨ or ¨food coma¨, i would just give them this photo, which was not staged and shows real events as they happened. (notice my hand still reaching for french fries)
the other extreme side-effect of wine drunkenness..derek and the b-day girl
we spent the whole night teaching chong the words to ¨Apple Bottom Jeans¨, which is a real american classic. i love the way he loves this song.
I´ve been dancing as always, just with a lack  of photos

went to a house party with nells and the crew the other night where she and i sat on the cold concrete floor in front of this door anti-socially only talking amongst ourselves (which i quite thoroughly enjoyed)

then i rode my bike to the nature reserve
incredible and super tranquilo in the middle of the city...

then i waited here...

for this chori pan smothered in aji and chimichurri...
and after that i ate this coconut, dulce de leche filled tart....

then i almost barfed...

i am afraid of getting really fat here.
and then on sunday i went to the feria in recoleta because the weather was like summer. and there i ate again.

the end.

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