Dear Decathlon,
We have decided this weekend will be dedicated to you. Here are some of the events we've decided on:
1. Skydiving
2. Mile run on the sand
3. Spider push-up contest
4. Bungee Jumping
5. Break-dancing
6. Surfing
7. Relay Races
8. Freestyle Walking
9. Ocean swim
10. Parasail/Shark Taming
The actual events that took place:
1. Skydiving - the legend himself, Father Kraft even participated
2. Eating
3. Napping
4. Sunbathing
5. Spider push-up/breakdancing contest
6. Football/baseball watching
7. Swimming
8. Fail at tennis/frisbee on the beach
9. Reading
10. Carnival Tilt-a-whirl-ing
Competitively yours,
the Kraft family vacationers
Hahahaha... seriously?!?! Is he breakdancing too??? I just can't take it anymore. Your dad kills me.