Saturday, July 31, 2010
Did we miss a turn?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Serious Shoulder Dancing
Today was my van day. AK rode with me as her back is still bothering her. We stopped in the am for some delicious coffee and got on the road. We had a great day of bonding chats. It was a rather rainy morning so we decided to pump up the awesome at first lunch with some minor dance parties. Everyone was riding super fast, and snuck up on us. Second lunch was the best. After some more deep chats, we pulled into second lunch about 2 minutes before the first riders (who had actually stopped to wait for us since it was taking so long). And the ultimate dance party began. We danced everyone in and out of lunch, running down the road after them when they took off to tackle the last 15 miles.
We literally danced for 2.5 hours straight. The greatest moments were after sending each rider on their way and then dancing back down the shoulder to the trailer to greet the next crew.
The dancing continued when Kira and I went in the third shower shuttle to the University of Minnesota. We hooked up the stereo system to listen to some oldies while sudsing up. It got awkward when Kira noticed that one of the doors opened and closed in a place where no one was supposed to be. When we opened it to see what was on the other side, it was dark, so that made the community dance showers seem a lot less fun. So we took showers in the enclosed stalls, and I kept my eye on that door the whole time. CREEPYTOWN. But there’s no one better to be in creepytown with than Kira.
Tonight after dinner and our presentation, we voted for prom court. Liz and Michael spent all afternoon interviewing all 10 candidates, and we got to watch the hilarious results and vote. It was nice of them to be inclusive and allow us to be a part of the process. I can’t wait for the announcement in Rugby, ND!
Tomorrow is our longest day to Devils Lake…115 miles. Bed time.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jesus is coming soon. And so is prom.
A major thing happening on our trip now is PROM (which I briefly mentioned earlier this week). I literally feel like I’m in high school right now with all the pre-dance excitement! The dance theme is Llama Proma: Day at the Farm. Liz and Michael are the co-chairs, and have done a phenomenal job. They are somewhat dictating the night, such as picking prom court themselves, and also already having chosen the prom king and queen without other input. This is why we love them and their prom committee. So the boys have a deadline of tomorrow at midnight to creatively ask their dates to prom. Here’s what’s gone down so far:
1. Kyle Lee started it off with a love letter and a rose for Heather.
2. Denis added creepy slides to Beth’s AH presentation depicting himself watching her
3. After chalking about a new mustachio in town, Josh and his new-found stache invited AK
4. Jamie took the cake when he ran into a man with a horse at Applebees, and rode it back to the church (with the man smoking a cig leading him), thre his arms out and asked Kate.
5. While Mark and Kyle pampered Sarah at breakfast, Steven snuck in with a private dance.
6. Diane awoke to roses and a decorated bike and requests to meet her date at lunch where Kyle G extended his invite
7. Tony 2-cups asked me to prom with 2 cakes that said simply “Gramelly Prom? <3>
8. Michael interrupted town facts to tell Abby she’s lost that lovin feelin.
9. AP followed a red string all around the camp ground today that led to Nolan’s self-endowed pants, slicked back hair, and Axe body spray.
10. Mark asked Kira to give him a kiss, at which point he revealed where Sam had shaved his prom ask into Mark’s chest
11. Trav mail dropped a creepy post card to Jess asking her to turn around to him geared in farm garb holding a home fried bacon card (yes real bacon)
12. Leisl opened a huge mail drop box to find her date, Kelsey waiting inside.
13. Chris called Liz via code name “Llama Proma”
14. Andrew found a stash of Jesus costumes in the church and flitted to Steph, he was of course shirtless with spear in hand.
15. A guest spot by Tony helped Denis’ meat stick video win Kristen over.
16. Mark followed up our sweep awards running around in Jillian’s sunglasses and a cape to “I wear my sunglasses at night”
Now the heat is on for everyone to find their outfits in time. 3 days until prom.
In other news, today’s ride was grrrrreat! Paul snuck up on Nolan and I, barking like a huge dog, and it was so scary I nearly fell off my bike, and didn’t realze for a good 48 seconds that it was him. I thought for sure one of us was going down to some big dog bite. Lunch was filled with sand volleyball, and the super competitive Kraft siblings on the same team.
The sweep contests of the day were plentiful, and I wasn’t sure I would participate until I ended up with a pack after lunch, and we did the Big Fish commercial which is below. We separated from the group when we saw the dance school sign and filmed video #2 (also below).
We then stopped at a roadside antique/junk shop that sold everything from bleacher seats to boats to bath tubs, and everything in between. After wandering around, Nolan held up the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. And it is now my prom dress, and it’s amazing. But, it’s top secret so I have to show it to you later. Huge shout out to Nolan for finding it, lending me the money to borrow it, and then carrying it and the cowboy boot(s) I bought all the rest of the way to Bemidji.
When Jamey and sweep came to sweep us out of the lake (which Jamey wouldn’t sleep in because he referred to as Fart Lake), we stopped by the Paul Bunyan and Babe statue and began to contemplate why this whole town has build it’s reputation on a fake man who never really existed. He’s everywhere. Paul Bunyan Tanning Bed, Paul Bunyan Laundry, on and on. We decided that if we had a business in Bemidji we would not name it after the big PB. Later we came across a man holding a sign announcing that Jesus is coming soon. Kyle Lee (our seminarian) said that’s not necessarily true. But if it is, Jamey wanted to let him know where we would be staying so we could meet Jesus.
After dinner and sweep awards (one of which we won for the Big Fish video), we had a major dance party in the sanctuary before heading to bed. Sold day. And mad props if you’re still reading this.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dairy Queen is becoming a daily occurance
Today was hilly and windy and kind of hard on the way to Grand Rapids.
Lunch was at a golf course. People hit balls.
We went 8 extra miles because the cue sheet was off. I told Sarah it was her fault for not asking enough questions. That confused her enough to not complain anymore. (Sarah – if you’re reading this, I love you. I have nothing but love for you. I just had to add something to this otherwise boring post so far).
I rode with Kyle Lee to lunch. We had great conversations. I think I even convinced him that he converted me back to Catholocism on the ride. (Note: he knows this isn’t true. Mom and Dad: I’m sorry, this is not true.) BUT – we did have some great conversation, and he gave me some new things to think about and consider.
I rode with Jillian after lunch. We also had great conversations. We stretched a lot, and considered naps in tall grass. She asked me at one point if I thought the cue sheet was off since all the road signs to Grand Rapids were 8-10 miles further than what the cue sheet said. I half-giggled and sort of brushed off the idea. Some leader I am. Imagine our surprise when 2 miles outside of the destination, Kate/Beth/Liz/Sarah alerted us otherwise. Nothing a little Dairy Queen Blizzard can’t fix.
Monday, July 26, 2010
what the heck?
Shortly after, Kira and I broke off from the rest of the group and began to brainstorm the best possible photo situations with locals. Like what we would do if we found a local cop, mostly unrealistic things since we were on a bike path for 50 miles. As people approached us, we slowed and creeper stared at them, whispering if they were what we were looking for. Finally we realized that if we were going to be balers in this competition, we were going to have to let go of the shyness and just ask random people to do crazy weird things. And so it began. Below is the sequence of photos that we took today. We made it happen.
We only had 4 rejections, which were as follows:
- young boy on a riding lawnmower – to his mother: be proud. He did not talk to strangers. In fact we made him so uncomfortable we felt that we were doing something wrong.
- Truck driver who stopped near the bike path. He said he couldn’t stop since he was on the clock. We agreed that if we had been selling sex his answer would have been different.
- I told a couple on the bike trail we were doing a ride for charity, and would they mind doing a pyramid with us. The woman told us she was not reliable in these kinds of situations. But he said he knew we could find someone. What?
- Along the trail we also met what we think was a shirtless convict. He did not want “pictures of him all over the internet”. I wanted to tell him not to flatter himself, but we’re pretty sure he literally JUST escaped from the big house, so felt it was unnecessary.
But the major conclusion on the day is that a lot of people on bike paths in Minnesota will do pretty much anything you ask.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
senior citizens, although slow, and dangerous behind the wheel...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
"I can't go work out, I have a Kankle"
Last night we as a leader team read our mid-trip evaluations. We decided to read them one-by-one out loud so we could discuss each one if necessary. They were so constructive and helpful, and have no doubt they will strengthen our team, and hopefully help us to improve the rest of the trip.
Today was Denis’ 24th birthday! It began in true style at midnight. After evaluation-ing, I turned on some Scissor Sisters so we could feel like dancing all over the kitchen. That took us right to the midnight hour, where we jumped all over Denis and wished him a happy day of birth 24 years later. We then palanced all over the kitchen. After that we were tired, but decided sparklers were in order, so we sparklered up and down the street. Then we were really tired, and went to bed. Each in our own beds.
Today we had a build day, 2 sites, groups of 15. Our group worked with Habitat and a program they have called A Brush With Kindness. It was the best build I’ve been a part of. Our group was great, the homeowners, Mark and Steve were an eclectic and interesting couple who woked with us all day. And Matt, our HFH contact was great! We helped prime the house to be painted, and cleared away some shrubbery. It was a full work day complete with music and dancing as usual, and tons of laughing and carrying on. Only today we got to wear masks to avoid breathing in lead poisoning from the paint we were scraping off. I was very excited about this until I realized how much your face can sweat when wearing said mask.
The title of this post is an ode to Sam. He hasn't been able to ride for the past few days because his leg is super swollen, and he's in a lot of pain. When we suggested he go try to work out at a gym or something in order to keep his body moving, that was his response. There is something worse than kankles. It's having only one kankle.