Remember that one time when I was on a cross-country bike trip and I got a kidney infection and thought I was dying a slow and painful death? You don't? Oh, maybe cause that's what's been happening in the last 48 hours, and I haven't had the time or energy to tell you about it.
I am ok. Luckily I got to the doctor, got meds, and we were in Janesville for 2 days with wonderful people like Jim and Nigela to let me come sweat it out at their house for a bit(serious sweat, like waking up in pools of it). I am feeling better now, and am hoping to be back up and running tomorrow or the next day. But I miss my NUS peeps. Being away from the group makes Gramelly sad.
But let me tell you, kidney infection-infused dreams are insane. In mine, no matter what happened or what I did, only Josh and Stephanie were allowed to touch or help me. Also, I was in so much pain/disarray that I had to think about everything I did for at least 15 minutes before I could actually will myself into action. That's kind of ridiculous if you think about it. I probably inflicted much more pain on myself by talking myself through how much pain I was about to inflict on myself first, then actually inflicting the pain itself. Even drinking water - had to talk myself into believing it would taste good and help me.
Today I feel a lot better. I still feel dumb in the head, but was able to eat today, so that's a win.
Everyone else had a great visit in Janesville. Sarah and Kate are from there, so their parents gave the team a huge Wisconsin welcome. We even got new badass t-shirts.
Today was the ride into Madison. The competition for today was who could do the best chalk drawing, and best jumping picture. I will try to post the results here later, but peeps way outdid themselves.
Here are some of the pics from Trav/Diane/Sam's chalking/jumping...hilarious.
the guys decided today was the day to do everything in bibs. look at all that chalk. this is them cannonballing and canopening into the ocean with clouds and a cheese sun
the finalized drawing with them silhouetted
jump photo with kate's mom and sandwiches
the winning on the road chalk drawing
serious jumping action
this is Steven riding a bike and jumping at the same time
yes - jamakin me crazy party and Kira is
if you look closely the ice cream is actually jumping!!!! it's like magic
steven. sprinkler. dexterity.
ode to steven
Oh em gee Kell. I hope you are right as rain so so soon! What a painful experience, but looks like you have an amazing support squad. Keep truckin'!