The Graduation Song by Vitamin C used to make me cry. I wasn't voted most emotional for nothing. That was 10 years ago. YEs, I walked down the graduational aisle and got my badass NHS diploma a decade ago. What? A decade? That's a long fucking time.
How many things have happened since then? How much has changed? How much has stayed the same? College, New York, Sobriety, Biking, and a lot of other really important stuff in between...TEN YEARS PEOPLE. Peeps are married, having babies, the works. We are grownups mo-fos.
Saturday was our NHS 10-year reunion, and no, I did not cry when they played the Graduation Song by Vitamin C. I will admit I was a little skeptical about going, but damn it, I'm happy that I went. I want to start having reunions once a month. I got to see so many people who I shared so many memories with. I thought that with Facebook being so big, that would somehow cheapen the experience. I was wrong. Last night was awesome. I shared good laughs with great people.
So many of my conversations started with, "remember that time when we made that dance video in your basement?" So I've always had sweet dance moves I guess. Maybe I should consider a career in making basement videos? I seem to have been really good at that. Or maybe there's a company I can start based on memorizing the words to rap songs and then singing them very gangsta-like to impress your friends with your hood moves. (not sure how many people I've actually impressed, but there must be a few out there) I mean, all I need to know I learned in high school.
But seriously though, that night was awesome. I just wanna plan a bunch of reunions now.
Been standing most our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise. Well, we haven't really, but we're all still really good at rapping all those words. NHS is so gangsta.
Before the reunion happenings, I met up for drinks with my girls from back in the day. We are the loudest people alive I think. They put us in a booth separated from the rest of civilization in the restaurant, and I would imagine we still managed to annoy everyone there. I love these girls, and we just giggled and reminisced about the good ole days in our BeBe shirts and senior cords.
The ladies reunited: EmCow, Court, Dee, Cochrane, Me, Trac, Lehman, Sidener, Drea. Love these ladies! We look damn good after 10 years!
Drea offered to pay me $5 to talk to 5 people with this spinach with my teeth. I was game, but could not get the spinach to stick due to hysterical laughter. Me and Padge...miss this woman!
our solution to the rain - creeper status

Stony Creek representing - Me, Veronica, and Jen

PG in the house
Cochrane was wearing the hugest heels ever, and wreaked havoc on Tracy's toenail. Don't wory, the doctor says it should fully grow back in 6-8 months. Seriously?
I am SO sad I missed the reunion! It just was not in the cards this time, but it looked unreal! Thanks for posting. Seriously, I think every single one of you look more beautiful than you did 10 years ago. WOW!