Sunday, September 26, 2010

Broadripple, Steak 'n' Shake Milkshakes, and "Hey, your coochie is hanging out"

1. I hate broadripple. I didn't realize how much this is true until I was driving down the "strip" tonight looking for parking.

2. Steak 'n' Shake milkshakes make everything better. Time after time, they are just always so delicious.

3. What are girls wearing out these days? I mean skirts and dresses that are so short and tight that I can literally see their vaginas. They can't be wearing underwear. How do they get through a night? They can't really sit down, bend down to pick something up if they drop it, dance more than just sidestepping. And that's just sober. What happens when they're falling down drunk? Do they just flash their hoo-hoos to everyone they meet? I guess the pro to these outfits is that it's easier to have sex on the dance floor, in the bathroom, or anywhere really, at the drop of the hat. Cause we all know how important that is. Also, how do you spell coochie?

1 comment:

  1. DUDE! I know. I just wrote about this too! The vaginas are ridiculous these days, barely hiding in those minis.
    And, I think you got coochie right.
