Sunday, February 5, 2012

Go up sound to stereo or something like that.

Yesterday was a great day. A day of giggling for Jos and I. We hit up the market and walked around town, I as usual stuffing as much street food into my face as possible. We saw a lot of funny stuff. But the best part of the day was when we went into a local clothing store to check out some of the local fashion. This led to fits of laughter with tears practically rolling down our faces. Not because the fashion is funny, but because the interpretation of the English t-shirts is amazing. See below because I took candid shots of all of them before she and I each gifted ourselves one.

peruvian payphones - the people in the green vests walk around with cell phones. you can pay to use the phone (with the green ribbon) and give it back when you're done. how's that for convenience?
juice cart. one of my favorite things about south america. so dang good
while her mom sold herbal remedies, she made her barbies do it in several different positions.
trying on green woven hi-tops. so hard not to buy things you DON'T need.
San Blas - isn't his face freaky?
selling guinea pig for lunch.

and now for your giggling pleasure....

me and jos still giggling
goodbye picada and beers with fede

1 comment:

  1. those t-shirts are so funny!!!! Obviously don't make any sense at all!!!! FUNNY!!!
