I am back below the equator after a great two weeks at home. And even though I spent a good part of the last week feeling torn between the 2 Americas, bursting into sporadic bouts of random tears more times than I can count, and didn't sleep almost the whole week because my brain wouldn't turn off and stop asking and answering the same manic questions every night, I am happy to be where I call home for now. I got caught up with all my peeps, and we are moving into what Mana and Diego have assured me is the best time in Buenos Aires. La primavera or spring. I couldn't agree with them more and it has only been a week.
I am ecstatic (mom I spell checked it this time) to be back among the Spanish-speaking again. I didn't realize how much I missed the language until I boarded my connection in DC and was suddenly surrounded by the buzzing of my beloved Castellano again. If only they spoke it in my beloved Brooklyn - I would never have to choose between anything again.
Upon my return to Villa Crespo and our apartment, everything seemed more green. There seemed to be more life to the city somehow, and there is that liberating feeling and energy that spring is here and it's time to migrate out of doors again. After a few gray days of rain, the sun is shining again, and the weather is perfection. I still dread the heat of summer, but will definitely enjoy the coming weeks happily.
Bida went into the shop early this week because her back tire is so fucked up I could not even ride her. Sad face. When Will and I went to pick her up, I excitedly asked the mechanic if everything was well. He gave me a doubtful look, and I assured him I know she is a piece of shit, but that I just need her to be ridable. We laughed and he said that for now, yes, but hinted that I should stop being a tight ass with my money and just buy a new tire. This advice was reaffirmed Saturday on a long bike ride with some good peeps when I rode over something and had to finish a good portion of the day with a super wobbly tire that swayed from side to side rubbing against the frame causing my body to shake it like a Polaroid picture without even trying. We made the best of it by dropping sick beats to her quacking sound. New tire it is.
Yesterday was a day to explore something I hadn't before. That will be the goal for most of the spring and summer at least one day per weekend. Yesterday, after eating my chori pan in the park, I spent the day wandering around the cemetery in Chacaritas. It is GIGANTIC. Walking through the front of it made me feel like I was walking through a mini version of a very rich neighborhood. Except all the neighbors are dead. The streets are wide enough for cars to drive through and everything is organized very linearly, complete with tree-lined streets, street names, and speed limit signs. As you move further into the gigantic complex, it opens to trees and smaller more humble grave sites. It is absolutely gorgeous and I tried to find a balance between snapping photos and respecting the crowds of people there to visit the graves of their loved ones. I spent a good part of the day there laying in the grass, soaking up sun, and enjoying the peace and tranquility.
For the next two weeks, Diego's family is visiting, and I have given up my room so they can spend more time together. So I packed up my bags and schlepped across town to Nelle and D's place. I love them so much for letting me couch surf in their tiny apartment for a week. Along the way, I was thinking that I wish there was a way to record all the things that come to my mind on a daily basis. Funny. Interesting. Varied. Weird. Non-linear. Random-ass shit. Must start carrying small notebook so I stop forgetting things. Because if you were in my head all day you would never cease to be amazed. Or confused.
flowers for pati |
if you look closely you'll see my two little cucaracha friends. que asco! |
since you weren't there for this, you can just imagine a lot of girl shrieks and me trying to express how disgusted i was in spanish |
who's ready for camping now? |
Will y Caro...Doe a deer a female deer.... |
bici madness |
fresh oj |
hackey sack |
diego jokes that my room is "club kelly". while drying my unmentionables the other day he commented how good the new club flags looked. adds character for sure. |
aah chori pan. te extrañaba. |
fake flowers in front of the cemetery |
i live...i mean don't live...on calle 49 |
simplicity |
laying in the grass in bsas, representing indiana |
stop. dead people live here. |
buenos aires wins in the ice cream department. for the first time in my life when i was home i didn't eat a whole pint of ben and jerry's in one sitting, or even finish it because it tasted fake in comparison. |
hey guy |
Me and you. Love for almost always. + You are the key to my doghouse? What a love tribute. |
i believe this sign to mean... now it's time to break into a musical number. raise your suitcase over your head and skip or something. |
people are always complaining that there is so much dog shit on the sidewalks here and no one cleans up after their dogs. i was just amazed that this dog shit was standing up. like a shit castle. |
i think she stayed out too late |
my new digs for the week |
a little taste of the USofA - S'mores over kitchen gas |
the clouds looked cool. i am in love with my new camera. |
This one was G R E A T! I laughed out loud so many times and had to share a few of the pictures/captions with Stu. He loved it, too!