This Central/South American journey thing has been a learning experience to say the least. As well as the years that led up to it. And the years before that. And on and on. Appears that life is one big learning experience. I have grown up a lot in the past handful of years. That is not to say by any means that I don´t still have a lot to learn. But there are a few truly important lessons that I have learned.
1. My friends and family are the most important things in my life. No distance will ever change that.
2. With age I have come to not only understand, but respect the choices of everyone I love. They may be different than my own, and I may challenge them on the way to those decisions, but to share in their joy and see them happy is one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. The things most important to me aren´t always so important to other people. I´m learning when it´s time to just shut my mouth and give my support.
3. Living in another country makes you more patriotic. No. I am not going to join the rest of my siblings in the military, but I do, for now anyway, see myself living stateside in the long term.
4. Priorities change with age.
5. With that said I will never bee too old or wise for solo or group dance parties, and acting way more immature than I maybe "should".
6. I can really do anything I set my mind to. Everyone always told me this. I just now know it to be a truth.
7. I should always follow my instincts, because in the grand scheme of things, as far as I am concerned, they are usually spot on. Along with this is learning not to doubt myself, that there are no wrong decisions as long as I follow my heart. Even though doing that sometimes brings the hardest lessons. But even more importantly, not to regret those experiences or decisions as thet have made me who I am today. You live. You learn.
8. My expectations for myself are way higher than anyone else's and as Rudy`s maintenance buddy told him at Notre Dame, "In this life, you don´t gotta prove nothin´ to nobody but yourself." I should be easier on myself sometimes.
9. I´m a hopeful hopeless romantic. Is that possible?
10. I should always listen to my body. I dont always have to follow its demands, but at least be aware of what it is telling me.
11. Thankfully I cant control everything.
12. One of my greatest stregths is my people and communication skills. But I am still introverted.
13. I am one of the most emotional people I know, and you just have to accept it. Some things never change.
14. A lack of sunshine makes me feel depressed. In the winter I have to remember that and to have patience. With everything.
15. The grass may always seems greener on the other side. And if it truly is, then I have to make the decision to grow and change to make my way to the other side of that fence.
16. Every person teaches me something about life. Sometimes great, positive, thought-provoking lessons. Other times, more subtle, simple things. Both are equally important.
17. That some things are worth fighting for, and some worth giving up and walking away from. And even though it might hurt, it is necessary to learn the difference.
18. Old people are interesting and always have good stories to tell.
19. That the most important thing in the world is to love yourself, flaws and all, because it seems to me the only way to truly loving others and getting the most out of this crazy roller coaster ride.
20. Life sucks when I am not completely honest with myself.
21. As much as I like living a simpler life, I want my own apartment some day, and sometimes miss my iPhone. But never want to have cable TV again. (someone remind me of this when I´m trying to make you watch The House Wives of New Jersey)
22. Life without music would be sad.
23. It´s not always where, but who your with that really matters. (DMB lessons on life?) No matter if you´re alone, with your best friends, or your boss. If you cant enjoy it whats the point?
24. If I worry too mich about what other people think I´ll never live MY life.
25. I can´t chang other people. I only have control over myself and my actions. I shouldn´t waste so much time and energy thinking otherwise. It's not my life, its theirs.
26. When I find myself dissatisfied or unhappy with something, I try to adjust my attitude. It always makes a difference.
27. Though I am organized and good at looking at the big picture, committing to plans too far in advance makes me anxious. I would rather take it one day at a time so as not to freak out. But sometimes I get impatient and find myself wishing someone would just tell me at the beginning how it ends so I dont get so anxious about the future. This goes against almost everything else I have said, and that is why I will always be a work in progress.
28. I like some really "bad" music, and am not even remotely ashamed.
30. My goal every day is to just live in every moment and to know that all is happening exactly as it was meant to.
Kelly: You are so awesome and these are wise words for all of us! Love, Aunt Jane