Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ration the water. only take one sip per day

When you live with 31 other people in a sort of make-believe fairy tale world as we kind of do in Bike & Build, everything is entertainment. You have to figure out how to make even the most boring moments funny. We're doing a good job of that and spend most of the day laughing.

Usually when something goes missing, wrong, or is out of place, a common response you hear is, "Where is NOLAN?!?!?!", as he's usually the one doing the pranking. Here are a few of his best hits: Rocks in everyone's camel baks, offering AK sunscreen when it was really Ranch dressing, sending rogue text messages on people's phones, starting outlandish rumors about teammates. The list goes on and on. Today was another one of his best at the build site, when he and his crew schemed to trap someone in the port-a-potty. Just so happened that person was my brother. It was the quickest I've seen 4 people move, and it was very well done!

Speaking of pranks and such, I have entered into a war with my new arch-nemesis, Andrew. We got into a bit of a mud war and I declared revenge. More on that as I brainstorm ideas to get back at him, or forget that we're fighting, which is more likely to happen.

After dinner tonight, Trav and I had story time. This means I laid my head in his lap as he read his book out loud to me in varying foreign accents while I giggled to myself. It was hilarious enough in and of itself, but what made it funniest was the reactions we got when people realized what we were doing. People would casually walk by, stop and sort of scratch their heads, then turn back around and just stare at us with puzzling looks. We kept on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Plus we're both pretty good at being naturally creepy when the occasion calls for it. We must make this a ritual of some sort.

One thing this group is getting really good at is taking naps anywhere. Also good at eating mass quantities of food, dance parties, sing-a-longs, giving and receiving massages and haircuts (I am exempt from this as my hair cut attempt with Michael went pretty horribly wrong), and other random group activities.

i promised kate that these were indeed the strongest trashbags in the world, and that if she got in it, i could pick her up and the bag wouldn't break. i was right.
sam, trav, and denis - zipper band
nolan found this squirt gun in the trash walking from job site to job site. he proceeded to walk in the street terminator side keeping everyone in line.
sodding a lawn takes no time with 32 b&bers and an assembly line
i tried to convince steven that this would be like a mud bath
after andrew got me pretty good
hard at work building a porch. this is before someone stood on it when it wasn't done, knocked it down, and we had to redo it
the lock-in...this was great maneuvering
paul and josh were very sleepy on the car ride home
accent story time

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