Sunday, July 25, 2010

senior citizens, although slow, and dangerous behind the wheel...

Today I had a sweet van posse with me, including Sam, Andrew, Jamey, and Ton. I am happy for this because
a. I love them
b. I was having somewhat of a dumb day and
c. if they wouldn't have been with me, I may have been crushed by our trailer

Here's what happened:
1. Target shopping
2. Jamey making lots of jokes about my old age/senior citizenry/even almost got a child at the playground to call me Gramma
3. Jokingly chalked that lunch was 12 miles further, angering Michael significantly
4. Sporcle trivia - if you haven't tried it, get on it
5. Trailer is a piece sometimes, and when I unhitched it at 2nd lunch so I could go give Trav a new tire, it almost rolled over and smashed me. If the van crew wasn't with me, it would have been a disaster. So I guess you could say they saved my life. It would have been awkward if the riders came to lunch to find me stuck under the trailer wheel.
6. Jamming to good songs while driving in circles in the parking lot.
7. I had a dumb day, so I was thankful for these 4 all day.
8. Tonight was Christmas in July. $5 gift/Yankee gift swap. We have the best family.

Michael not amused by the lunch joke
me and my tan lines cuddling with Kira and Mark
lunch #2 under a tree
Hilarity ensues with food fights
me and the van crew by statue - jamey
notice Kyle Lee hose showering in the window watching over Josh...creepy
Prom Committee Llama Proma 2010
the boys lining up to pick their prom dates
Christmas tree/gifts
Steph and Josh - best Christmas sweater
NUS 2010 Family Christmas
Corky and his romance novels
my gift from AK

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